Monday, August 23, 2010

Summer Time Fun

This past weekend was the good ol Lane County Fair! Of course we had to go get a fix of some fried food, look at all the animals, watch some lumber jack activities and of course...people watch! Parker was a champ and enjoyed looking at all the rides that some day she'll ride on with me (Aaron "doesn't do rides")...I love fair rides!!
We also made our very first batch of salsa! All the tomatoes came from our garden, we are very stoked to try it!Something new that Parker loves to do is lay on a blanket in her room and look at all her "friends"! She just stares at them and then freaks out kicking and laughing!
In particular is "Arleen", named after Christa's Grandma (thanks for the idea Alicia!). This is becoming Parker's favorite very quickly!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It Was a Weekend of Fish, Pickles and Other Things

This past weekend was quite productive! Aaron was invited to go out albacore tuna fishing with some friends off the coast of Northern Oregon. They had an epic trip and came back with 51 tuna! This is the boys cleaning off the boat after they dropped all the fish off to be processed. Aaron is in the brrrrright yellow pantsAnd this is what we grilled up from the catch...tuna marinated and wrapped in bacon. It was the BEST we've ever made!
Parker was exhausted from all the excitement of catching all that fish!
We also pickled a bunch of cucumbers that came out of our garden. I can't wait to eat them!!
Parker is now 9 weeks old! She's starting to smile at us and is trying to figure out laughing. She gets soo excited then lets out a big squeek-noise-sort of laugh. It's quite funny! In the first couple pictures she is wearing a sweater I wore when I was a babyEven the Orange cat is coming around to her!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Blueberries and Salmon!

It was a productive weekend! First we went out to a local organic blueberry farm and picked about 8 pounds of blueberries...we supplemented our stash with an additional 10 pounds that we bought pre-picked. We should be set for the winter!

Parker was a trooper, but looking around at all the blueberries and trees wore her out!
Aaron in the midst of it all
Then Aaron went fishing with our neighbor Rich to try to catch the allusive steelhead salmon. And he did it! Looks like I'll have to develop an appetite fot it.