Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pole, Pedal, Paddle Relay Race!

Every year there is an awesome relay race in Bend, OR called the PPP.  Normally there is a huge group of us that go over and we do the race in teams (men's, women's and co-ed).  This year Aaron and Annie decided to do it as a Pair.  It was awesome!  Aaron did the downhill ski and x-country ski...then Annie did the Bike and Run...Aaron did the kayak and Annie finished it off with the sprint to the finish line.  Parker and I had a blast being their "Support Crew"!
Here's Aaron coming in from the x-country ski (in the middle wearing white, black and red)
 Running to tag off to Annie who will cruise off on the bike
This is the run to kayak transition...They have to run it down to the river.
 Look at all the kayaks!
Here comes Aaron on his way back up stream!
 Yep, he passed that guy!
 Then Annie sprinted to the finish!
 They did so great...completed the whole thing in 2 hours and 20 minutes! 
 Packing up the car to head back to the house for some R&R
 Like I mentioned, we stayed in a house with a couple other teams...this was the first year there were babies present!  It was a blast!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Al and ML Part 2...

I found a few more pics from Al and Mary Lou's visit that I just had to post!
Orange felt a little left out at dinner one night, so he jumped up and joined us!
 ML and I went to the mall a couple times and they have a little play area for kids.  Parker LOVED it!
 Specifically, she loved the tunnels...I can't even tell you how many times she crawled back and forth...
 This picture cracks me up...we all went on a bike ride one day so Al and ML rode the tandem.  Mary Lou has the right idea!
 There is a great local ice cream parlor in town with the most amazing flavors (ie Banana & Fresh Chocolate Brownie...to die for!).  Aaron gave Parker a little sample and loved it!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Grandma & Grandpa Olsen's Visit...

Al and Marylou came out and spent a week with us a couple weeks ago...it was blast!  Parker loved her tub tub time with Grandma! 
 Aaron and Al went fishing one day...they ended up with a few trout which we ate for dinner that night!
 The weather was beautiful one day so we rolled up to Sweet Cheeks winery with our friends Niall and Ali.  Aaron and I became Wine Club Members, we are stoked!

 A beautiful place to nap!

 This picture cracks me up...look at Al loving life!
 Parker opening a couple early birthday presents!
 All in all it was a fun filled, relaxing week!  I tried to get a "nice" picture of Al, ML and Parker...who knew it would be so difficult...with Al!  This is the best one and it cracks me up.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Parker's Favs...

Thought I'd do a quick post on some of Parker's favorite things and activities...basically it consists of eating, sleeping, playing, digging through cabinets, gardening and reading!
 Deep sleep...
 The last cabinet needing child proofing!

 Eating dirt/gardening
 Reading...she LOVES flipping the pages by herself
 Sleeping again!
And some play time...she loves her rings!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Eugene Marathon!

Today is the annual Eugene Marathon!!  Aaron has been slammed with work and decided not to run it this year, but we still went down to cheer on Annie!  Parker was in awe of all the runners...I love cheering everyone on and Parker quickly caught on that you have to clap for people!  The course runs a couple blocks behind our house, we always hang around the 3mile mark and the 6 mile mark.

Here they come!!
 I got so excited cheering for Annie, I forgot to take a picture until she ran by...she's in the center with a white t-shirt, black shorts, red shoes...looking strong!

Now at home relaxing...check out all my teeth!

Easter Weekend

 It was a beautiful Easter weekend...before we went over to Niall & Ali's house where we were having a Easter lunch, we chilled out in the back yard for a bit.  Parker loves to eat anything and everything she can get her hands on...this includes grass and dirt.  Yikes!!  Oh and fishing floats...
 Thanks for the beautiful dress Auntie Jaime!!
 We seriously struggled trying to get a good picture of her in her dress...so these will have to do!


We scored an awesome Burley trailer from a friend of mine who works there.  We are so excited to report that Parker loves it!  There will be a lot of biking around to softball games, friend's houses, BBQ's and park visits this summer for sure!
 First we spent a couple days in the house getting used to the helmet...then we were off!

 Not 100% down with the helmet...yet!