Wednesday, September 14, 2011


 The other day everyone from Aaron's office got tickets to attend a dinner called "One Field Meal" which was held out at a local farm out in wine country.  It's all about the Slow Food movement.  Needless to say it was amazing!!!!!  Oh so so good.  The weather was beautiful, wine and beer was flowing, great company...couldn't have asked for a better Sunday evening!
 This was our table...full of good friends and soon to be great food.
Parker and Jonathan enjoying giving each other high fives!  It was soo cute!
 Aaron & Parker...Dave & Jonathan..Matt & Cameron
 There was also a bluegrass band that was playing...Parker and Cameron LOVED it!  This is them just staring at the musicians...eventually they started dancing it up!
 The farm had this old Basset Hound dog that Parker fell in love with and constantly followed around...he would just lay down and Parker would lay on top of him hugs!
 There was this goat tied up waaaaay on the other side of a field...of course the boys had to go check it out and see if they could get close.  The goat did eventually warm up to them.

Eugene is extremely supportive of it's college sports...especially football!  Aaron's office has season tickets they split up among the employees...Aaron and I were in charge to throw the tailgate for the first home game of the season.  It was awesome!  And the Ducks won!
 Parker and her good friend Cameron...getting stoked for the game!
 Nothing like a Corn Hole competition!
Over Labor Day weekend we loaded up the car along and headed East with our good friends Annie and Mike.  We ended up at Timpanogas Lake, 5,300 feet of elevation with the best camp site ever...right on the lake!
 Mike was out swimming around (*Mike's idea of "swimming around" is going 5 miles!) so Aaron took the canoe out to be his support...Tilly, Mike's dog, sat on the shore and just was so cute!  Making sure Mikey was a-ok.
This picture CRACKS me up!!  It's like our own little modern family :-)  The boys were actually on their way out to mushroom and grouse hunt.

Swim Lessons!

Parker finished her very first session of swimming lessons!  The first day, she was a little hesitant of being in the pool...but by the end of the three week session she was loving it!!  We also had a couple other friends in the class which made it that much more fun!
 Our good friends Kristena and little Starra
 Parker loves going down the water slide with Daddy!