Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Little Bit of This and That...

The Oregon Country Fair is a few weeks away, which means Aaron and the posse have started working out there washing and hanging signs.  Parker and I have gone out to hang out and camp a couple times.  She's going to have so much fun out there this year!

And for fun...just a few random pics from this past month.  Parker is obsessed with what she calls "Happy Bear".  She will hide behind him like this (see pic) and say "uh-oooh!" until you respond with "oh no, where's Parker?!"
Eventually she tires of that game and decides to play on her computer...
Summer is not complete with out a pass to the pool down the street! 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Little Lady Turns Two...

This past Sunday was Parker's 2nd birthday, so we threw her a little bash!  We had about 7 of her little friends over plus a bunch of the typical crew.  We ate, played with chalk, hula hoops, bean bags and just had a good time!  Parker did great sharing all her toys with the other kids- at first I could tell she was a little overwhelmed.  She kept asking if everything was still hers and looked a little worried!  But over all, a great time was had.

The morning started off with a little "Beauty and the Beast" and some snuggling with Orange.
 Then the party!
 Parker's friend Wesley...isn't he adorable?!
 She was sooo excited to eat her cupcake!
 Adelyn and Parker aka the green skinny jeans posse
Parker and Cameron were having a blast playing "school bus"!
 Opening all her presents...
 We asked her to close her eyes so we could bring her new bike out and this is how she did it...she kept peeking though!
 Her new Strider balance bike!
 The next day Grandma & Grandpa Rick sent some presents including what has now been named Happy Bear...which now is Parker's new best friend!
 Having a tea party with Happy Bear.
 Once again watching a little bit of Beauty and the Beast but this time with her new BFF.