Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Jaime's Visit!

This past weekend my sister came out for an extended weekend visit! We went to parks, a Ducks football game, Sweet Cheeks winery and basically just hung out and relaxed!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Living Off the Land!

Just a quick post about our awesome meal the other night and how all of Aaron's efforts are starting to pay off.   This meal was so delicious (Parker's new favorite word, mind you...delicious) and better yet we didn't pay for any of it!  The salmon was caught by Aaron and the corn and potatoes came out of the garden.  So happy!
 She is obsessed with corn on the cob.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Minnesota Trip!

FINALLY!  I am sitting down to update this thing!  I have no idea where the month of August went...and that it's already half way through September.  All I know is that it's been a great and busy summer.  Parker was a flower girl in our friend's wedding, I went to Las Vegas, New York and Atlanta for work and Aaron has done a ton of fishing.  All in all a great summer!  I'll wrap it up with a trip Parker and I took to Minnesota for 10 days.  I had to go to Atlanta for work during the middle of it so Parker got to spend some quality time with both Grandmas and Grandpas!

On the flights there, Parker was a champ.  Granted our flight left Eugene at 5:30am...so she slept for the majority of the first leg!

 And once we were in Denver on our layover she became obsessed with the moving floors!
 Once we got to Alexandria, we spent some time on the boat- standard!  Parker loved "driving" the boat with Papa Rick and swimming with her second cousin Colten. 
 Over at Olsen's she had a blast digging in the dirt, playing with all the puppies and "kitty Julie" and following around her cousins Sunny and Skyler.
 Seriously...she LOVES "puppy Kai" (oh...and Papa Al too!).
Uncle Aric, Cousins Skyler and Sunny and all the puppies...Kia, Lena and Willow.
 Meanwhile, back in Eugene...Aaron was on his 10 day "stay-cation" which involved a lot of fishing (not to mention he did do a ton of cleaning, canning and fish smoking!).
 But alas, all good things must come to an end and before we knew it, it was time to say good bye and go on another airplane ride back to OR. 
But we got to play on more moving floors...
And be silly on the airplane!