Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Happy Halloween!!  This year instead of carving pumkins, Parker decided she wanted to paint them.  Which was a-ok with me!
 Then came time to hit the town!  Once again, we just went to a few of our friend's houses.  
 But this year we told Parker to pick a piece of candy she wanted to try...she chose a Reese's Peanutbutter Cup.  Good call!  I think the progression of pictures tells you how she liked it.
 And once again, our family Halloween photo!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Mushrooms and Apples

Well it's Aaron's favorite time of the year...mushroom picking and canning!  We decided to go out for a real quick hunt for some Chantrelle shrooms and ended up finding a bunch!  Never even left sight of the car, which has never happened, so Aaron was stoked.  Parker had a blast!!  She loved being out in the woods and looking for mushrooms.  You might be asking yourself why we would do this...for one, it gets us out hiking around in the woods but also because these bad boys sell for $28 a pound!  So finding them yourself saves $$$.
Our neighbors gave us a ton of apples off their tree, so it was time to make applesauce!  It's amazing how deliciouis it is when you make your own and not adding one thing to it.  

We ended up with about 33 jars.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

The weather held out this weekend so off to the pumpkin patch we went!  Parker and I get stoked for this every year, Aaron informed me he just comes along to humor us.  Though this year we scored some great local, grass fed beef so he was happy about that!  

After a hay-ride out to the pumpkin patch, we were off to find our pumpkins!
Parker informed us she wanted a "little little pumpkin"...easy enough.
 Then it was off to see all the animals!
She fell in love with the resident dog, Bruno.  He was so sweet!
Parker also got to experience her very first pony ride!!  She was super stoked!  So was I.
Our attempt at a family group shot.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fall Camping

Every year a large group of us get together to either go rafting or camping or both! This summer we opted to have a camping weekend in northern Oregon at Trillium Lake. The weather was beautiful during the day and got coooollld at night! But all in all it was a great weekend! And it was Parker's first weekend in her "big girl undies". She did quite well considering we were all over the place, even made the 2.5 hour car ride with no accidents! Whew!
Of course the boys went out fishing a ton.
Aaron's boat is on the left in the off in the distance and our other friend's boat is in the forefront.  The rest of us just hung out on the shore soaking up the rays!
 Parker LOVES her new princess fishing pole!
 Bryan and Parker feeding the birds.  They would fly up and take food directly out of our hands!
Jason and his little boy Xylus...Aaron, Parker and Bryan.  Some smart talking in the morning over coffee.
Seriously...BBQ ribs and chicken over the fire.
There was a Ducks football game on one night which we ended up streaming on the iPad!  Had to stay in touch with the football world!