Friday, March 22, 2013

She's Got an Eye...

Parker loves to play with my iPhone and listen to music, watch videos, play games and look at pictures. I always check it out after she has had it awhile and see what she was up to. Today this is what I through the eyes of an almost-three year old.

Her beloved Arial "Princess Barbie"
"Puddles" in her stroller.
This one sort of freaks me out.
And this one really does!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tree Time is Spring Time!

We had a large tree removed from the front yard awhile back and have been waiting to go get a couple apple trees to replace it.  Last weekend, it was time!

Parker was the foreman on the project. typical 3 year old fashion "I can water the tree all by myself!"
Then it was off to the backyard to climb.
It's just a flesh wound!  This is what happens when you think you can turn the garden rock wall into a balance beam.
All was right in the world once we walked down for some ice cream!

*Side note:  You may have noticed that Parker has on three different outfits on through out this post (which was approximately a two hour span).  That is because this girl is obsessed with changing clothes.  Which is the reason I feel I am constantly doing laundry!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Bath Time is a Whole New Event.

Really I don't need to say much, the pictures speak for themselves. But besides gymnastics, Parker is obsessed with swimming. So this is how bath time looks at our house these days!

A swimsuit is always involved...and now the goggles have been added in.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Along Came Nana Sue...

My mom came out to stay with us for 10 whole days a week ago for some grand-baby love.  Needless to say there were many trips to Target and it wouldn't be a visit from my mom without a big project in the works!  This time around she re-painted all the cabinets in our kitchen...something I have wanted to do for YEARS but (standard) have just never found the time to do it.  Now I know why!  It took her pretty much the entire trip for her to complete it, but we couldn't be happier with the results!

(this is an old pic taken before we even had the back splash up...)
Nana Sue giving Parker a lesson in sewing.
 Story time!
 The trip wouldn't be complete without a run up to Sweet Cheeks!
 Some tummy time...