Tuesday, July 16, 2013

OCF 2013

Alas, the Oregon Country Fair has come and gone yet again.  This year we did it as a family of four though!  Parker is enjoying her time spent out there more and more...it's perfect for kids.  She loves the puppet shows, music, plays, food and playing with her friends in the woods.  I can't wait for Asher to experience it as he grows up!
 Two things needed before the Fair...caffeine and a parking pass.
I had to post this...Aaron painted this sign for one of the art displays.  Pretty proud of his beautiful lettering :-)
Parker spinning the world around.
Aaron and Parker checking out one of the many plays.
Our camping area.  We deck it out pretty well!  Our tent is over on the right...hard to see it with the sun blasting.
Our great friend Billy.
Little Anneliese turned two!
One of our friends is a painter...he whipped out a few paintings of our camp!
Parker LOVED the new kids playground.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

4th of July!

Are there going to be unicorns at the parade?  

That is what Parker asked when we told her we were going to a parade for the 4th.  Awww...the things that go through a 3 year old's mind!  We drove to a neighboring town and hit up their festivities for the morning.
At first Parker was a little timid about going after the candy.  But she had an older friend with showing her how it's done!
After the parade we went to a BBQ where the fun and running around continued...so much so that it tuckered everyone out!
That evening we had some friends over to BBQ and to chill out in the awesome weather!  Check out my fruit and cheese plate...I was pretty stoked about it.
Also made some festive pudding pops.
Parker and I decided to go out on an adventure and watch the fire works...her first time!  I was stoked, I haven't seen fireworks since she was born and I love them.  It all started out great...
Then the show actually started and she was not having it...she got scared!  It was "too loud" according to her so she had to cover up. 
The next day we headed out to pick some blueberries...our goal for the freezer is 50lbs.  We ended up with 24 lbs, on our way!