Sunday, September 22, 2013

End of the Summer 2013

Where did summer go??  I'm sort of sad it's over, but I also love knowing Fall is here and Halloween is right around the corner!  This is going to be a random post of recaping the end of summer...

Football season is here which means we do a lot of tailgating and going to football games!
Parker and her good friend Cameron LOVE listening and dancing to the band!
 So far this year Parker and Aaron have been going to the games and Asher and I head home.  I don't really think he would appreciate the loudness of the stadium.
Something Parker and I decided to do this summer was to hit up as many new neighborhood parks we could find.  We did pretty good!  This is one of our new favorite finds.

We went camping on the coast with a bunch of friends and ran around on the beach...
Asher's first time at the ocean and on the beach...he loved it!

 And something that gets me even more excited than Parker....she started ballet classes!  Here she is getting fitted for her very first pair of ballet shoes.

 Asher is now eating up anything and everything...he's a GREAT eater.  Parker always wants to help feed him and give him his sippy cup.

 Lastly, we have an independent sitter on our hands!  Makes life so much better.  And he's also **this** close to crawling...I give it until the end of the week until he's fully mobile, which will force us to child proof the house yet again!