Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A First Birthday Weekend!

It's been awhile since I've posted anything!  I've been busy trying to entertain a 3 1/2 year old and a NOW 1 year old!  We kicked off Asher's birthday weekend with Valentine's Day...Aaron's favorite holiday of all time.  The kids and I went downtown for an ice cream treat and Daddy left work early to join us.  Turns out Asher loves ice cream just as much as his sister!  But before the ice cream adventure we hit up our favorite park to work up an appetite.  
A cone and a sundae!
Aaron and I are part of a meal swap group that consists of four other families.  Basically we make four meals that we give to the four other families and we get four other meals in return.  It rules!  We meet once a month and for the next few days after the swap, we don't even think about what we need to make for dinner.  So on the Saturday of Asher's birthday weekend, we had everyone over to our house to swap.
All the food!  The first row (from left to right) were all the meals we got.
All the kids playing nicely together...a miracle!
Then is was finally Asher's birthday!!  Let's be honest, the first birthday is more for the parents than the kid.  So we just had a family day...did the presents, ate cupcakes and ended the day with a trip to the park and Indian food (Asher's favorite). 
Parker enjoyed "helping" Ash with his presents.
Cupcake time!
His favorite part was the frosting...
The rest basically ended up on the floor.
This is Parker crying because I started to take the wrapper off her cupcake which RUINED it.

The day ended with smiles and the sugar high being worn off at the park!  Asher loves his new one piece rain suit from Nana Sue and Papa Rick...ok, I may love it more than he does but really that's what matters!
The Big One Year Old!