Friday, April 25, 2014


With each passing year the holidays are becoming more and more fun as Parker starts to really get into them.  I can't wait until Asher is too!  But even he got into the annual egg hunt we have at our neighbors house.  
Preparing for the egg hunt!
Rich giving instructions on where he "thinks" the Easter bunny hid eggs
Even Asher found some!
This was the best I could get for a group photo.  Parker, Asher and Jackson
Opening eggs!  Chocolate, balloons, money...
After the hunt Rich always blows tons of balloons for the kids to run and pop
After the hunt, Parker and I ran to this great little kids clothing and toy store where she got her face painted as a bunny!
Note the purple bow...the store clerk put it in her hair to keep it back while painting...forgot it was even there until we got home and Parker mentioned it was still there.  Opps!
 That night we went over to Starra's house to dye eggs.  Funny story- Parker got super upset on the way over because she did not want her eggs to "die".  Classic.
Ya by this point Parker only had the ears of her bunny left on her face.
They really got into decorating!
 The next day was Easter.  We actually went to church even!  Our neighbor (who has the egg hunt) is a pastor is town so he invited us to their church.  Parker and Asher played in child care during the service so all was peaceful and relaxing.
 I completely forgot to take pictures of them actually searching for their baskets!  But here is Parker enjoying a game the Easter bunny brought her.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Spring Break

 87 years later...I'm back!  Maybe I'll designate a day to be my "update blog" day.  In the mean time, I need to do a recap on the month of March!  Al, Mary Lou and Sky came out for the week of spring break.  Our main goal of their time here besides having a fun and relaxing trip was to brain-wash Skylar as much as possible to come to college out here.  So we started off their trip with a Ducks baseball game...of which I have no pictures.  The next day we did a walking tour of campus and got him hooked up with the proper UofO hoodie.  
 We climbed around at the columns, the local outdoor climbing wall, hiked up the butte downtown for a photo opt, then took the kids to a favorite park.
On top of Skinner's Butte

Even Sky got into playing with the kids

  In the down time we worked on getting the garden ready, seeds planted and Sky gave Parker a lesson on drawing.

Talking about where and when to plant seeds
Orangie loved Sky's suitcase!
One of the days Aaron had off of work we went to the coast.  It was beautiful out with a good amount of wind to get a couple of kites flying.  Sky and Parker had a blast climbing up and running down the sand dunes.  We were the only ones of the beach for quite awhile!
Papa Al and Parker

Parker, Papa Al, Aaron and Asher
Hiking back out from the beach spot
And of course, it wouldn't be a complete trip without a fishing trip or two!  I instructed the boys to take a bunch of pictures...this is all I got.
Until next time, Olsen posse!