Wednesday, July 23, 2014

OCF 2014

Ahh, the Oregon Country Fair.  It's one of the highlights of the year for us and every year we see the Fair so differently as Parker and Asher get older.  This year we spent a lot of time in the new kid's loop area and Parker even went to play care (day care) one day for a couple hours- per her request.  She had a blast.  I think she looks forward to this weekend even more then Aaron and I do!  I know Asher's excitment will grow each year too which is just so fun to watch.  
Asher, Parker and her friend Starra playing on the playground
Wesley, Starra and Parker watching a marching band parade going through the crowd.  They rolled around in a wagon together one afternoon and loved it.      
Another random parade of green people
Every year this booth is here and every year it cracks me up! 
 This is how I found Parker at play care, watching a puppet show.  She also had a unicorn painted on her face.  She was there for two hours and I think she would've stayed for a lot longer if it was up to her!
She is in pink in the center
How many sign wranglers does it take to hang one sign?  Apparently three.
Aaron, Adam and Bill doing what they do.
At main stage on Saturday night the Everyone Orchestra performed.  It was fantastic!  We had backstage passes, which was awesome...then the video/camera guy noticed Asher and we started chatting and he asked if we wanted to climb up to the "bird's nest" and watch the show from up there.  Uhhh, lemme think about that- YES PLEASE!  It was awesome.
Watching from the bird's nest...Asher, Aaron, Parker and Frank the video guy.
 What can I say?  We picked up a couple different wigs this year!
 Awww...sleeping in.  I think it was 8:45am when I took this picture.  The earliest the kids woke up was 7am.  Considering it starts getting light out at 5:30am, I'll take it. 
 Parker got her face painted at her friend's birthday party.  She asked for a princess crown...standard. 
 Aaron got pulled up on stage during this was fantastic and a perfect ending to the 2014 fair.