Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Summer Recap!

Ya, ya...it's been forever!  Who knew life would get so full and busy, but in a great way!  So ya, I've been slacking, big time, on the ol blog.  Let's start back when Aaron ran in the Eugene Half Marathon.  This year we made signs, finally!  I love sporting events...the energy in the air is contagious, even at 6am.  
 This summer also brought the start of another new activity for Parker, soccer!  My sister gave her soccer lessons as a birthday present...and standard...she loved it!
Doing a little warm up with some jumping jacks.  Always hilarious.
 There were also a lot of fishing sessions, blueberry picking, performances in the park we attended and a ton of bike riding.  It also wouldn't be summer without a visit or two to the local county fair!  We went with Parker's friend Starra, who also loves going on any and all rides.  They are finally getting tall enough for the majority of them!
 Asher continues to entertain us all.  He's all energy, all the time and will eat anything and everything.  Especially berries.  We were at a park that had a ton of wild blackberries that I picked with the intention of bringing some home to freeze.  Nope, he ate ALL of them.
I once again played on my women's softball team, The Dirty Skirts.  It's always such a blast getting out every week with these ladies!  
Aaron's office got a team together and competed in the Cascade Lakes Relay Race.  There are 12 people on a team, two vans with six people in each and they run...continuously, starting on a Friday morning and ending on Saturday late afternoon.  200-some odd miles!  It was exhausting but they all had a blast!  Aaron can't wait to do it again next year. 
We ended the summer with the kids and I heading back to MN for a couple of weeks!  More to come on that soon!