Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Summa Time in MN

Now that it is October, I can finally post some pics about our trip back to MN (yikes!).  Hey- I've been busy, you know, going to the park, swimming lessons, bike riding, ballet class, song and dance class and so on.  So that's my excuse for slacking.

The kids and I did our solo parent trip back to Alexandria for two weeks back in August.  Even though the weather didn't coroporate for half of the time, we still managed to get out on the lake a lot, visit with family and friends and even made it to the good ol Minnesota State Fair!  Or as I like to call it "fried food on a stick fair". 

It wouldn't be a trip to Alex without feeding the ducks and geese at Noonan's Park.
 Any activity on the lake is always welcomed.  Parker LOVED tubbing with Auntie JJ and Uncle Dave.
Myself, Parker, my cousin Docia and her son Colton
Parker and Auntie JJ
 And then this happened....Parker got to go wake surfing with some good friends of ours who just so happen to be the owners of Hangloose MN.  They give lessons in SUP, wake surfing and wake boarding.  Basically they have the best jobs in the entire world.

Visiting 2nd cousin Avery!
I feel like this is an advertisement for Soothie pacifiers
 On my sister Jaime's birthday, we loaded up the kids and Grandma Sue and headed to the one and only Minnesota State Fair!  I know what you're thinking...state fair?  For reals?  But trust me...the MINNESOTA state fair is unlike any other state fair.  Ever.  I hadn't been in YEARS, like, my last memory of it was being terrified in the haunted house.  This time we just basically focused on how much food on a stick we could possibly eat.  And make sure to hit all the kiddie rides and attractions.
 And now...for your viewing please...just a little sampling of the things that you can eat on a stick at the MN State Fair!
 This, my friends, is the haunted house from my childhood...we ran out of time and I'm totally disappointed I didn't get to go in and see if it's really as scary as I remember! 
We got to visit with Great Grandma and Grandpa...which is always such a fun and special time.  Asher was not diggin group photo time though...and we left shortly after that.  The picture cracks me up though!
 Time out at the Olsen compound was spent in the garden, helping to process food and just running around!
Lounging with Puppy Kai
A walk in the woods with Grandma Mary
 Parker and I spent a night in Minneapolis with some of my best high school girlfriends.  We all gathered for a day of great food, fun and many laughs.  It was so much fun getting all of our kids together!
Stef, Mandi, Tami, myself and Jana
A small sampling of the kids
 Alas, all great things must come to an end.  And with the end of our Minnesota trip came the end of my good-solo-parent-travel luck.  Let's just say that our late night, MSP-SFO flight full of business people was....less than ideal.  In a nut shell, Asher screamed ( a tiny tube flying in the sky) the entire 4 hours.    Did I mention I had the only children?  Plane- full of business people.  People I used to be.  But now I was the people I HATED.  Oh how cruel the tides can change! 
I had to doccument this- the only 20 minutes (no joke) of silence Asher provided. 
But let's end on a positive note...because in the grand scheme of things, it was all worth it!
A wrestling session with Papa Rick
Uncle Dave, a crowd fav
Nana Sue, Ace, Parker and Papa Rick
Parker doing her favorite thing, taking a "funny faces" pic
Just some shots with old friends
Parker and Caroline