Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Summer Trip to Minnesota!

Aaron, Parker and I flew back to Minnesota for a week long visit home. Aaron hasn't been home since our wedding (2 years ago!) and it was fun that all three of us got to go home together. Parker once again proved she loves to travel and was perfect on the flights both directions- whew! While we were home we took the opportunity to get Parker baptised. She is now 12 weeks old and is weighing in at 11lb 5.5oz.Great Aunt Kathy and Cousin Kim even drove down from Grand Forks!
Al built and awesome gazebo out at "the compound"! Aric and Aaron helped with putting the siding on. It is now dubbed "The Party Hut"!We all pitched in and helped my dad take out the dock and lifts (Jaime and I drove the boat around :-)). It's officially the end of summer when that happens.The day before we flew back home we decided to open up the Kvasager house to whoever could come over for a little gathering! It was a fun relaxed day and Parker got to meet a lot of Great Aunts, Second Cousins and of course see her Great Grandparents again!On the way out of town we got to stop by our college friend's house, Brian and Amanda, and have lunch! We were so excited to meet their new little baby boy Grant, who is 10 days older than Parker.Glamor Shot!And then it was time to fly back to Oregon...it was a great trip!! Once we got home though we had to deal with our exploding garden and made another batch of salsa and tried out making two different types of relish!Parker is exhausted from all the adventures...

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