Sunday, November 28, 2010

Rice Cereal, Thanksgiving and a Tree

This is a series dedicated to how much Parker loves rice cereal...

Thanksgiving 2010!! This year we had all the Thanksgiving festivities over at our friend's, Niall and Ali, house. Aaron prepared the turkey and it was his best one yet!

Parker loves tin foil...

This year there were 16 1/2 (Parker) of us at the great feast. All together everyone is either from North Carolina, North Dakota, Minnesota, Vermont, California, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Connecticut and Oregon

On Black Friday I got up at 4:30am (well Parker got me up), picked up a friend of mine and we headed to Best Buy lookin for a deal. And I found one and bought the camera I really wanted! These are all pictures taken with the new cam. Love it!

On Saturday we went out on our annual "Tree Hunt" for our Christmas tree. Parker loved getting out up in the snow!
This is the one! A little sparse, but we'll take it

Once we got it home we started a fire, turned on the Christmas music and started decorating. I LOVE Christmas season!

Polar (aka Whitey) LOVES the Christmas tree! As soon as we were finished decorating it, this is where he curled up and fell asleep.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Parker is now 5 1/2 months old...I love this age! Thought I would just post some random pictures we've taken of her over the past month. We are now feeding Parker rice cereal at night, which she LOVES!!

Another thing she loves...her feet!
Sometimes when she plays with her toys, she gets this SUPER serious look on her she's concentrating extremely hard!

She's such a cuddle bunny

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween and Such

This is the best age ever! 5 months old. Parker can now officially roll over from her back to her front (still working on going the other way) and is laughing all the time. She is such a happy baby and is always smiling!

I want my toys that are down there...
I don't know why we even try...but alas, we are still cheering for the Vikings.

For Halloween I went against Aaron's wishes and bought Parker a Bee costume (surprise surprise he thinks its a waste of money)! Totally worth the $10 high stakes price tag, ya?! During the day we went to a local park where they were having a mushroom festival (any reason to have a party!). It was fun seeing all the kids dressed up and running around. At night we waited to answer the door for fellow trick-or-treaters! I can't wait until next year when we can take Parker door to door!
She loved her cozy costume!
Aaron will forever be a Vampire for Halloween. He bought this "all in one" outfit like 6 years ago at Goodwill for $5. But hey, at least he dresses up! I'll give him that!