Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010!

This year for Christmas my family all came out to Eugene...even Jaime surprised us all (except Aaron- he knew!) by flying in on Thursday night. It was a great long weekend filled with a lot of presents (Parker has an entire new wardrobe), cooking, board games and hanging out!

I bought Aaron a home brew kit (finally- he says, he's been wanting one for a few years). So Friday he is going to start brewing his first batch!
Aaron got me a fisheye lens for my camera! Jaime, Dave, Aaron, our friend Bill and I started off Christmas Day by hiking up Spencer's Butte! Great way to start off the day, didn't feel so quilty eating all that turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes and pie that evening. Grandma Sue and Parker spent the morning going through her pile of new clothes she scored!Parker couldn't wait to get out of her Christmas dress...she's a casual type of girl!
I gave Aaron a bean bag toss game! A friend of mine made the boards but we still needed to make the bean bags. Aaron took to the sewing machine with the supervision of Sue. Parker fully enjoyed watching Daddy sew!
We were a little down after everyone left so we decided to change in to our tutu and cheer up!

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