Thursday, June 30, 2011

Gardening with Daddy and the Bottom Drawer

Parker LOVES the garden.  Here she is helping Aaron bring in some goods...

 This is another one of Parker's favorite things...the bottom drawer where we keep all the spatulas and measuring cups...I will find her like this about once a week, just quietly playing.

Cannon Beach Weekend

The other weekend we drove up to Cannon Beach, a cute little beach town west of Portland.  There was a sand castle competition on the beach, even though the weather that morning was rainy!  When the weather is nice, the word on the street is this competition can draw crowds up to 20,000 people.  Not this year though!

 Parker LOVES rolling around in the it be on the beach or at the play ground...she loves it so much she eats it, seriously.  Ya, we need to break this ASAP!

 In town, there were tons of great coffee shops, restaurants, bars, shopping...and a bunch of little pathways that lead into great garden sitting spaces surrounded by shops. 
 Aww...this about sums up the speed of things in Oregon.
 Preparing for the sunshine!! 

Portland Zoo

I am very late on posting these pictures!  The weekend of Parker's birthday we went up to Portland and went to the zoo with Mike.  It was a great time!  Great weather, Parker loved the animals, all in all a success!

 This cracks me up...the boys kept "consulting" the map to see where we were.  Typical!
One last present came in from Grandma Sue and Grandpa Rick...a little play park!  Parker loves it, needless to say!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Parker's 1st Birthday!

It's true what they say, time flies!!!  Aaron and I can't believe it's already been a year since Parker was born.  We decided to keep her birthday fairly low key and just had a few close friends over to celebrate.

We decided to buy Parker a mini Grand Piano for her big day.  She loves it!
 Then we went outside to open more presents...Annie rode her bike over with a bunch of balloons tied to it for Parker.  It was hilarious!
 Our friend Bill passed down his daughter's Piccolo bike, which will attach to the back of our bikes once she is old enough!  We can't wait!
This was so funny and too cute, Parker kept wanting to hug/pick up our friend's 6 month old baby, Starra.  I can't wait to show them these pictures when they are older!
Finally the time has arrived...the first taste of sugar!!  In the form of a vanilla cupcake with strawberry and orange frosting.  I'm pretty sure she loved it!

Memorial Weekend!

Our friends from Chicago, Jana and Clint, came out and visited us over Memorial was a blast!  Filled with coffees, cocktails, good food and good times.

Parker opening her birthday present from Jana and Clint...she LOVES her new monkey!
 Whitey fell in love with Clint!
 Such a good breakfast...Off the Waffle and VooDoo doughnuts.  Yummmmm!!
 We had to go to Sweet Cheeks and drink some vino!

 Followed by some Dutch Brothers coffee...

It was such a fun visit...Parker was a little sad when they left so we opened up the dishwasher (which she loves) so she could play around a bit...and quickly showed us how tired she was!
 I think she wants a nap?