Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cannon Beach Weekend

The other weekend we drove up to Cannon Beach, a cute little beach town west of Portland.  There was a sand castle competition on the beach, even though the weather that morning was rainy!  When the weather is nice, the word on the street is this competition can draw crowds up to 20,000 people.  Not this year though!

 Parker LOVES rolling around in the it be on the beach or at the play ground...she loves it so much she eats it, seriously.  Ya, we need to break this ASAP!

 In town, there were tons of great coffee shops, restaurants, bars, shopping...and a bunch of little pathways that lead into great garden sitting spaces surrounded by shops. 
 Aww...this about sums up the speed of things in Oregon.
 Preparing for the sunshine!! 

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