Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lane County Fair

Awww yes, the good ol County Fair.  Every town has one and we of course, had to go to ours!  Parker totally dug it...especially the clown show and animals!

 Nope...not this year! 
 Seriously, Parker loved the horses!

Waldo Lake

This past weekend we went camping with our good friends Ali and Niall at Waldo Lake...which is where Aaron proposed to me!  It was so fun being back there and the weather was amazing!!
 Getting ready...
 Boating out to a little island we hung out on all day...Parker loves the kayak!
 This is the spot where Aaron proposed to me.

 Ok...Niall has an iPad so we had to test out the Constellation app!  Sure totally works!  Just hold it up to the sky and it tells you what you are looking at!


Saturday, August 6, 2011

BBQ, Beach and The Bus

The other weekend we went to a neighboring town called Cottage Grove and went to the lake!  This was Parker's first time swimming in a lake.  At first she didn't really know what to think, but once we busted out the floatie, she was all in!
 Taking a lunch break...but all she wanted to do was go back in!
 Like I said, she loved the floatie...and loved watching our friend Mike dive into the water!
 Parker was a big help, as you can see, getting the air out of the floatie when it was time to go!
Pool time in the back yard!
Followed up by a BBQ with friends...I love summer!
Our friend Bill, gave Parker this bus...she LOVES it!!  And Aaron thought it would be a nice spot to take a little nap.  Parker decided to join him!

Summa Time!

Tis the's blueberry time!!!!  This year Parker was old enough to partake, she is obsessed with blueberries...just like me!  We probably should've paid for more than we did because every blueberry I put in my bucket, Parker would take it out and eat it.  She had a blast, as did we!

Though the day did start off with Parker sleeping...
 Soon enough she was awake and ready to pick!
 Taking a break to do a little reading...