Saturday, August 6, 2011

BBQ, Beach and The Bus

The other weekend we went to a neighboring town called Cottage Grove and went to the lake!  This was Parker's first time swimming in a lake.  At first she didn't really know what to think, but once we busted out the floatie, she was all in!
 Taking a lunch break...but all she wanted to do was go back in!
 Like I said, she loved the floatie...and loved watching our friend Mike dive into the water!
 Parker was a big help, as you can see, getting the air out of the floatie when it was time to go!
Pool time in the back yard!
Followed up by a BBQ with friends...I love summer!
Our friend Bill, gave Parker this bus...she LOVES it!!  And Aaron thought it would be a nice spot to take a little nap.  Parker decided to join him!

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