Monday, October 31, 2011


Parker's school held their annual Spooktacular this past weekend so we all dressed up and headed out!  It was a great music, games, crafts, food...everything you could want!
 Parker and her friend Nora hitting the dance floor...they were a little unsure of it all!
 One of Parker's teachers Miss Shawnie
 I hit the dance floor to show her how it's done...
Family photo!  Aaron thinks it would be funny to always dress up as a Vampire (for him) and Waldo from "Where's Waldo" (for me) every that all our pictures will look the same except for Parker's costumes...we'll see about that- I may need to mix it up!

Hitting the streets!  The actual night of Halloween, I took Parker to some of our friend's houses.  I figure she can't say "trick or treat" and we don't want the candy around, so let's just go hit up our friends!
We had to stop by to see Parker's good friend Starra!

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