Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Minnesota Thanksgiving!

This year for Thanksgiving we flew back to Alexandria and spent a week with family and friends.  The weather was amazing and we got to see and spend time with so many people.  Here is a run through of the good times!

Parker is a great traveler- whew!!  Essentially, she slept three out of the four legs of the entire trip.  We didn't have to be "those people"!  Yesssss.
 This is the one part she was awake and was digging a little Baby Einstein with my headphones.
Matt and Uncle Robb...
 Gramma Rosella
 Some of the Davison cousins with Grandma & Grandpa Davison
 Sista and I took on the challenge of making Spritz Cookies...alone!  We managed to figure it out and both took a bunch home with us.
 Thanksgiving Day was beautiful outside!  The Kvasagers' and Olsens' got together at my parent's house for the afternoon.  We had a great feast! 
 The Olsens' and Kvasagers'!
Dogs and the Shop!

Look at Al sharing his bed so willingly!  Parker seriously has a dog obsession.  She loved all the dogs (and Julie!) between my parent's house and Aaron's.  Another big hit was the shop.  The day before Turkey Day we had a Shop party and then hit the town.  Unfortunately, my camera was MIA during that part...but you can imagine.  Good times were had!

Parker loved the tub in Al and ML's bathroom...especially with the jets on and bubbles in full effect!
Slumber party with Parker and Grant!  The night before we flew out we went and stayed with our friends Brian and Amanda and their son Grant, who is 2 weeks older than Parker.  They hit it off!
 Back at the airport in Denver...a fantastic trip back home!

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