Thursday, March 22, 2012


Before the epic late March snowfall we got yesterday, we went to the Ducks basketball game with a group of friends.  Parker loves basketball!  For real.  And she is obsessed with the U of O's mascot...the Duck.
Ok...yesterday we got 7" of snow in the Valley.  Sounds like this is the most snow we've ever had here...ever!  It was that heavy, wet snow...perfect for snowman building and perfect for trees to get so overloaded they come crashing down!  Driving through town, you would think a tornado hit with all the downed trees!  But we made the best of it.
 We walked down to the park and found out how awesome it is to slide down a super slippery slide!  She would end up launching off the end and landing on her butt...she did this over and over again!
 Aaron telling her not to eat yellow snow...
 Our neighbors Cherry tree came crashing down and through our fence...
 Our friend's Kaylon and Arlo to the rescue with their chainsaw!
Best way to end a snow day?  At the bowling alley!  I didn't get any pictures of us actually bowling, but Parker is obsessed with the race car game and of course...the stuffed animal game.
Finally home for some books and bedtime...a good snow day in the Willamette Valley!

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