Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Easter!...sort of

The Thursday before Easter weekend Aaron flew to Arizona to meet his dad and pick up our new parent's mini-van!  Yep- you got it.  We are the proud new owners of a mini-v!  I never thought I'd say those words.  BUT, that road trip will be the next post!  So Parker and I knew we'd be home alone Easter weekend and we had the entire time planned out.  Three egg hunts, parties to attend, bbq's....but then good ol sickness took over.  LONG story short, Parker got super sick with Hand, Foot, Mouth virus aka hell.  It was horrible, to say the least.  So all our plans were thrown out the window and we did not leave the house for days.  Lucky for me- and Parker- my awesome neighbor called me on Easter morning to check in on us and let me know that the Easter bunny had dropped a little something off for Parker at the front door (I was planning on getting her a basket that weekend, which didn't happen).  It was such a great little pick-me-up for her!  She was stoked!!
 She took every egg out, one by one, and lined them up first.
 Then she found the balloons, then the stickers, then...the chocolate!
 The aftermath of a chocolate induced high on an empty stomach...she took off running!
 Chocolate face...

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