Wednesday, May 9, 2012


My sister, Jaime, and I went on a week long trip-of-a-lifetime to Chile at the beginning of May.  She was awarded an all expenses paid trip for two, and she took me!  To say it was pronominal is an understatement.  And I'll try and not put all 432 pictures I took while we were there!

When I say "all expenses paid"...I mean it!  From breakfast, to dessert, to snacks, to excursions, to transportation and beyond.  
 The view from the top floor
 The first full day we went on a city tour and ended up at this amazing little village filled with great little shops and cafes.
 And in the middle of it all a band started playing rock classics like "Sweet Caroline"!
 The next day we went to Isla Negra and toured the home of Pablo Neruda, the famous poet.  The weather was perfect the entire trip for everything we did!
 This was the "snack" they provided
We then went to lunch in a little village called Pomaire, which is known for it's pottery.
Moving right along...the next day was spent touring two wineries!  One of them even had a horse track and we were treated to a little race between Starwood, Hilton and Marriott.  Who do you think won?  Starwood of course!
 Carmenere is the type of wine Chile is known for...such a yummy red!
 The grounds were beautiful...
 The jockeys!
The last night in Santiago we drove 2 hours away and went to a rodeo!  The grounds of this place were amazing...we also ate a fabulous dinner here and capped off the night with fireworks and a dance party!
 Our crew we hung out with the whole trip...great people!
 Oh ya- there were fire dancers as well!
Jaime and I spent the next two days on our own in the coastal town of Valparaiso.  It was the best way to end the trip- we had a spectacular time and met so many people on the walking tour we took!  We stayed in the cutest bed and breakfast...even splurged and sprung for the suite!
 The top of our B&B
 Our B&B
 Our walking group...and new friends

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