Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day

Parker had a Royal Tea Party in her classroom yesterday for Valentine's Day.  She was sooo excited for it because she knew they were going to have special treats and everyone got to dress up in princess dresses!  Even the lone boy (who is holding hands with Parker :-))  
 Balloons are always a huge hit with toddlers!
I know this is going to be shocking for those of you that know Aaron, but he is completely against Valentine's Day.  I told you...shocker!  However, he did take me out for lunch...when we sat down he pulled out a little battery operated candle from home and said "Happy Valentine's Day, welcome to our candlelit lunch".  I thought it was adorable and he was quite proud of himself. 
Parker and I HAD to stop by Sweet Life to pick up a piece of yummy cheesecake for Aaron and I...and we couldn't leave without a pink and purple cupcake for her.
Do you like my card I made for Aaron?  (*I had to make it, because if I would of spent money on it he would not have been nearly as amused)

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