Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter Bunny and Grandparents!

Aaron's folks flew in for a week long visit which started over Easter weekend.  They couldn't have picked a better week to be here, weather wise, as it was beautiful, warm and full of sunshine!

First we went next door to our awesome neighbor's house for an egg hunt... 
Jackson, Parker and Ryleigh
While us girls (plus Asher!) were doing this...Aaron and Al were- you guessed it- fishing!
Once they returned from their morning of fishing we dyed Easter eggs...

...while Asher napped on Grandma Mary Lou
 Al and Aaron preparing fish for smoking!
The next day was Easter!  A basket was hidden...Parker had a good time trying to find it.  Anything which involves "presents", she is all about.
It was beautiful outside, there was no way we were going to eat indoors- so we set up outside!
Annie's folks were also in town from North Dakota, so we spent the day/evening together!
It was "too hot" for Aaron and Al in the sun, so they opted to eat in the shade.
 I'm sure I was saying something extremely intelligent. 
 After dinner we hid some more eggs for Parker to find...
It wouldn't be a trip to Eugene if we didn't hit up Sweet Cheeks!

It was a great week that went really fast!  I'm already working on my list of "to-do" projects for the next visit.
The last night we ended with Parker's favorite thing..."popcorn movie night".

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Quiet Time??

Parker has decided to stop taking a nap during the day at home.  Which is fine with us because she goes to bed in seconds (normally) when she doesn't nap.  However, my definition and Parker's definition of "Quiet Time" seems to differ quite a bit.  

I started documenting her outfit changes after she came out in the 3rd this is #3.  She came out saying "it fits", meaning she took it from the far right side of her closet which is for bigger clothes...I knew it was going to get interesting.
#5...I found her over by Whitey.  When I asked her what she was doing/wearing she said she needed a dress on to take Whitey to the hospital for his appointment. 
#6...body art.  She put purple flower stamps all over her torso.  She "needed to do this" was her reasoning.
I finally walked her back to her room only to find that a tornado had ripped through!  We are going to have to work on what "Quiet Time" really means...clearly.