Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Family Camping

It was our first camping trip as a family of four and Asher's first ever!  It was also father's day weekend so Aaron got to pick the location.  So of course he picked a state park on the coast which happen to also be on a lake so he could bring the boat to fish.  This park was pretty cool, it had a nice big play ground which Parker loved! 
Asher was a champ and did great for his first time camping!
The downside of camping...Parker waking up as soon as it gets light out.  So it was 6am both mornings for us!
 We packed up a picnic for lunch one day...
 After that both kids fell asleep, which never happens, so we were stoked.
Aaron was CERTAIN we could all go for a boat ride together...I was skeptical.
And I was right.  This was the closest we got to the boat before Asher started crying.  He did not dig the life jacket. 
So he and I went for a walk while Aaron and Parker fished for a couple hours.  I told Asher these were the fish Daddy likes to catch.
 She is starting to get the hang of her bike!
 Smores plus peanut butter...awesome.
Also had to have some popcorn!
Ended the weekend dancing for Asher at breakfast time.  A successful camping trip!


  1. That looks so fun. Do you have a blow-up bed in your tent? Heck, even I would camp if I had that :)

    1. Oh yes Schnee! We've converted to "glamping"...glamor camping. :-)
