Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Home Sweet A-town!

Aaron and I decided that since I am not working right now I should take the kids back to Minnesota for an extended stay with both our families.  So that's what we did!  I was a little nervous about flying back with Parker and Asher by myself...but LUCKILY, they were perfect little travelers!  These first three pics are ones Parker took during our flight from Eugene to Denver.  Through the eye of a 3 year old!
The first weekend we were back a bunch of my girlfriends from high school were also home!  It was a great quick weekend to catchup and hang out.
Parker even got to attend Jay's birthday party...who is my good friend Stef's son.  Otherwise known as "Parker's future husband".  It'll be an arranged marriage.  :-)
See what I mean...they are perfect for each other!
Hanging out at the Olsen Compound is always a fun time!  Parker loves to run around with the dogs, hang out in the garden and play with her cousins over there. 

Papa Al is very proud of his harvest!
 Yep...she's peeing in the clover patch.
I put Sky, my 13 year old nephew, to work right he is blocking the sun for me.
The oldest and youngest Olsen grandkids.
Cousin Sunny and Parker
Getting ready for popcorn movie night with Grandma MaryLou and Auntie Jamie.
Uncle Aric meeting Asher for the first time!
This is a picture Mary Lou showed's of Andy and Aaron as babies (Aaron is on the right).  Totally can see Asher here!
Papa Al is the best babysitter ever, clearly!
 We had a fish fry one night...even got Al and my Dad to drink a "girly beer" (def of "girly beer" is anything that doesn't look the same going in as it does going out aka MGD, Mich Golden, etc)
 A lot of our time was spent at my parent's house at the lake...I wanted both Parker and Asher to be able to swim and hang out on the beach as much as possible!  My sister also drove home from Austin, TX for the second half of our trip and my bro drove up from Minneapolis every weekend we were there we all got to hang out quite a bit!
We also visited my grandparents quite a few times.  Parker got a kick out of riding on Great Papa D's walker.
Parker is a natural skinny dipper!  It was either that or fully clothed is what she preferred.
She also enjoyed toting Asher around in his life jacket.
Parker and her second cousins Laila and Colten!
We did quite a bit of paddle boarding!

It was also perfect timing to go home because the fair was happening!  I love fairs and so does Parker...
Here she is learning about something totally Midwestern and Norwegian...lefse!!  Oh soooo good!  Papa Rick had to show her how it's done.  Butter and sugar baby.
One of our last nights home the weather was perfect for a boat ride!  I wasn't sure how long we would last given it was Asher first time, but he loved it and even fell asleep about 15minutes into it! 
Had to get one more skinny dip in!
Then it was time to say good bye to Auntie JJ and Dakota who drove up from Austin, TX.
Uncle Dave running around the airport with Parker while I checked our luggage.  Two peas in a pod!
The long trip back home was a blast and went way too fast, which they usually do!  What did Aaron do the entire time we were gone?  You guessed it...fished!  He actually went on a 2 night tuna fishing trip and came home with over 200lbs.  Insane.

As they were heading out!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Good ol Lane County Fair

Finally!  Parker was tall enough to go on most of the rides at our local county fair.  I don't know who was more excited, me or her.  We met up with some friends of ours who have a little girl named Starra that is Parker's age.

First we had to check out some animals.  Goats, pigs, sheep, horses, etc.  the rabbits were a big hit too!

Then came the rides!  We started off simple and easy with a boat ride (lame and a waste of 4 tickets if you ask me)!  But the girls loved it.  
Then we went straight for the roller coaster!  I have a video of this, I need to figure out how to upload it on's quite entertaining!  The first couple times around they looked SCARED TO DEATH!  But by the third time around they were loving it!  This is before it started.
Every time a ride ended, they would run to the next one!
Ended the night dancing and playing instruments with this guy.  Next year...the Ferris Wheel!