Saturday, August 3, 2013

Good ol Lane County Fair

Finally!  Parker was tall enough to go on most of the rides at our local county fair.  I don't know who was more excited, me or her.  We met up with some friends of ours who have a little girl named Starra that is Parker's age.

First we had to check out some animals.  Goats, pigs, sheep, horses, etc.  the rabbits were a big hit too!

Then came the rides!  We started off simple and easy with a boat ride (lame and a waste of 4 tickets if you ask me)!  But the girls loved it.  
Then we went straight for the roller coaster!  I have a video of this, I need to figure out how to upload it on's quite entertaining!  The first couple times around they looked SCARED TO DEATH!  But by the third time around they were loving it!  This is before it started.
Every time a ride ended, they would run to the next one!
Ended the night dancing and playing instruments with this guy.  Next year...the Ferris Wheel!