Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Minnesota Christmas 2013

I flew back to Minnesota with Parker and Asher on the 11th of December for our Christmas vacation.  It was awesome having all that time to spend with family and friends we don't get to see all the time!  Aaron flew back and met us on the 20th and we all flew back to Oregon together on the 31st.  There were family gatherings, ice fishing sessions and a lot of other activites which made the trip fly by before we knew it!
The kids were great on the flights there!
Best type of baby on a plane...a sleeping one!
 Parker and I found mine and my sister's stash of barbies that we had as kids!  Parker was in heaven.  We also found our old dance costumes which she loved to dress up in.

This was her all time fav...the one she spent most of her time in
 Of course a Christmas trip to MN would not be complete without an ample amount of time ice fishing!  Parker and I even caught some fish!
The Ice Castle!
Aaron's huge 11" sunfish
And Al's BIG fish
Fishing isn't the only thing that happens out there
The water was so clear you could see the fish come up and bite your line.  It was awesome!
 One afternoon we drove up to Grand Forks, ND for a Kvasager gathering!
 We also had a couple family gatherings with my mom's side of the family which is always fun to see cousins, aunts, uncles, great grandma and grandpa!
Asher and Great Papa D
My cousin Steph, her daughter Avery and us
Some of the Davison cousins!
Parker and Great Grandma D
Fit in a morning playdate with my great friend Jana and her kids...
Three 3 year olds and a 10 month old...all playing, no fighting!
 We attended a wine party with my old friends which is always a great time...
Squeezed in a trip to the dentist and a teeth cleaning with Grandma Mary Lou!
Spent a lot of time playing some new card games...Go Fish is a favorite now.
Even got in a quick swim!
Parker and Grandma Mary Lou
We saw Santa and there were no tears!
And then there was Christmas!  We spent the 24th with my family...
 Left some cookies and milk out for Santa...
And spent the 25th with Olsen's...
Cozy by the fire for a movie
 And before we knew it, it was time to head to Minneapolis to fly home!  We went down the night before our flight and stayed with our good friends Brian and Amanda and their two kids.  Parker and Grant always have a great time when they see each other!  Uncle Robb, Aric and Dave were able to drive over and spend some time with us too.
Grant, Parker, Robb and Asher
Nora and Asher enjoying some dinner together
The flight home looked a little something like this...
 All in all it was a fantastic time spent at home!  We always talk about the idea of moving back because we have such a fun time with family and old friends but then we remember what the weather can be like in the winter months...


It's been FOREVER since I've posted something on here!  In my defense, our computer crashed so it has taken awhile to get caught up on editing photos and getting everything set up on the new one.  So let's go back to November and quickly recap Thanksgiving aka Friendsgiving.  Once again we hosted at our house, it was a blast as usual.  We had a ton of great food- probably the best yet, and ended the night playing cards.
The "kids" table...Amy was invited to sit at this exclusive table!
Table 1!  Kristena, Kaylon, Aaron and Bill
Table 2!  Adam, Ally, Lauren, Josh, Kate, Asher and I
It was the little guy's first Thanksgiving!  He ate a TON.
The night ended for the girls with a movie with the dads.