Tuesday, January 7, 2014


It's been FOREVER since I've posted something on here!  In my defense, our computer crashed so it has taken awhile to get caught up on editing photos and getting everything set up on the new one.  So let's go back to November and quickly recap Thanksgiving aka Friendsgiving.  Once again we hosted at our house, it was a blast as usual.  We had a ton of great food- probably the best yet, and ended the night playing cards.
The "kids" table...Amy was invited to sit at this exclusive table!
Table 1!  Kristena, Kaylon, Aaron and Bill
Table 2!  Adam, Ally, Lauren, Josh, Kate, Asher and I
It was the little guy's first Thanksgiving!  He ate a TON.
The night ended for the girls with a movie with the dads.

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