Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Forever ago, my sister-in-law Alicia decided she wanted/needed/deserved a little vacay so she booked a ticket to come see us!  A couple months later Andy, my bro-in-law/Alicia's husband/Aaron's twin bro, decided he wanted to come too...awesome!  Well now that just means we need to get the younger brother, Aric to get out here as well.  So that happened!  Then we convinced our good friend Brian to also fly in and surprise the guys...it was such a fantastic 24 hours to have all of us together again!!  Yep- I said 24 hours.  Brian literally flew in Saturday afternoon...and out on the red-eye Sunday night.  That's dedication!!  

So we had a lot to fit in a little amount of time!  But we started off the journey with a backyard BBQ.
The next day we hiked up the Butte to get a little exercise before we all jumped on bikes and hit up the breweries!
 ...oh wait, before we could hit up the breweries we had to clean out the dishwasher.  Why you ask?  Well, Alicia decided to be awesome and do the dishes but...she put liquid hand soap in!  Nothing a little vinegar and salt can't cure :)
...ok back to the breweries!
First stop, Ninkasi
Second stop, Oakshire
 Jumping on the ponies to go to the final stop of the day before Mike, Sara and Brian needed to hit the road.
samples, samples, samples!
Brian, Aaron, Andy, Mike...the old college roomies together again!
Saying good bye to Brian...the first of many over the next few days.
The next day we packed in the car and hit up the coast for some good, fresh seafood, beach time and kite flying!
Don't you think Alicia and the fam need to move here?
 That night we got a sitter and hit up bingo at our favorite watering hole!  Now I know what you're thinking, bingo?  Really?  But this ain't your Grandma's bingo- the prizes are hilarious as are the two MC's that run it.  Nothing but a good time!
Playing a little Jenga while waiting for the action to begin
Day three of the Olsen vacay sent us out to the wineries.  We had to start by hitting up Sweet Cheeks per usual...then went down the road to Chateau Lorane.  Ya, I know- we only hit two spots but in our defense, our livers were begging us to give them a break.
Alas, the next day Auntie Alicia had to catch a train to Seattle where she was meeting up with an old friend to finish up her vacation.  So by this point I allowed- yes, allowed- the boys to go fishing.  And it was a successful day as Aric caught a beautiful stealhead!
 The boys were a little tired that night after getting up at 4am, so I don't think they minded too much when Parker requested to watch Frozen with them.
Andy flew home the next morning...so then there was one left.  Aaron and Aric got out fishing one more day but didn't have the luck they had the other day.  Still fun none the less.
The rest of the trip wrapped up perfectly.  It was so awesome having everyone out here over a week's time!  Hopefully we can all get together sooner then later again.  And Brian can spend more then 24 hours!

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