Friday, July 30, 2010

Progression of a Meltdown

I wanted to get pictures of Parker at the 7 week mark, so I set her up to start the photo shoot knowing my time was limited because she was tired. All was going well and then she had had enough! It was nap time...
I think I'm going to laugh...
Wait a minute...I'm tired!!!!!!!!!Zen

Monday, July 26, 2010

It Was a Hot Weekend...

This past weekend was in the mid 90s! To cool off we went with some friend's to their land they just bought and it just so happens to have a river run through it with an amazing swimming hole! Even Parker loved being able to cool off!
The swimming hole was complete with a rope swing. Here is Aaron showing off his skills!
Annie and I keeping it cool

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Minnesota Trip!

Parker and I flew back to Minnesota to visit family and friends and for my friend Tammy's wedding. It was a great trip! Parker got to meet a lot of her family. I was a little nervous flying with her, but she was perfect! Even with delays on both ends, layovers and having to run through the airport to make a connection. She slept the whole time! Hopefully she'll be like that when we go home with Aaron in August.

I have a group of girlfriends from high school called the Sour Posse. We all email every day to stay in touch even though we live all over the country!
Meeting Great Grandma Olsen and Great Grandma and Grandpa Davison
This cracked me up! Parker decided to throw up her entire dinner on Grandpa Al! Priceless
Meeting Uncle Dave (also, Dave's first time ever holding a baby!)
Meeting Cousins Sunny and Sky and Auntie Jamie!
4 generations

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Auntie Jaime Comes to Town

Jaime came to town this past Thursday! This weekend was the annual Oregon Country Fair. It draws about 50,000 people over the weekend...essentially it is a huge festival with tons of music stages, stuff to buy, tons of food and much more. Since Parker is too little to make the Fair this year she and Christa stayed home and let Jaime and Aaron head out for two days and nights of fun! Sounds like they had a great time and Christa survived taking care of Parker solo for 48 hours...whew! After two days and two nights of music, food and crazy people watching...Aaron and Jaime came home all tuckered out!

Which was alright with Parker...this 90-some-odd degree weather is making everyone sleepy!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Goodbye Grandma Sue!

On Grandma Sue's last night in town we took her out for sushi for the first time (we did the same thing with Grandma Olsen)! The verdict....they liked it!
Yummm...she can't wait to get to solids!
Three generations
After a two week visit it was time to say good bye...Parker had a great time being spoiled by Grandma and we all are so excited to go to MN in August!

Friday, July 2, 2010

The First Month

We can't believe it's already almost been a month, wow the time flies!
Aaron is very excited that her 2nd toe is longer than her big toe, just like his. He says it's better for "grabbing things"...we'll see!
Orange still doesn't know what to think of Parker...but we know he does feel left out! So Aaron was giving him a little loving