Sunday, July 11, 2010

Auntie Jaime Comes to Town

Jaime came to town this past Thursday! This weekend was the annual Oregon Country Fair. It draws about 50,000 people over the weekend...essentially it is a huge festival with tons of music stages, stuff to buy, tons of food and much more. Since Parker is too little to make the Fair this year she and Christa stayed home and let Jaime and Aaron head out for two days and nights of fun! Sounds like they had a great time and Christa survived taking care of Parker solo for 48 hours...whew! After two days and two nights of music, food and crazy people watching...Aaron and Jaime came home all tuckered out!

Which was alright with Parker...this 90-some-odd degree weather is making everyone sleepy!


  1. Christa - Are you writing in the third person or have you hired a blogger to help keep up with Alicia?

  2. Love it! It was so much fun to be able to spend time with Christa, Aaron and Parker. I don't know if I will give Christa her Fair Bracelet back for next year! Parker is the cutest baby, EVER!
