Saturday, July 23, 2011

Grandma Sue and Dave's Visit...

My Mom and Bro came out and visited for a week a few weeks ago...besides going to the Country Fair we did a lot of grilling, bean bag toss competitions and was the 4th of July!  The weather was perfect, it was a great week.

One of Parker's favs...WATER!

 Parker was playing quietly in the living room...I was in the kitchen and this is how I found her :-)
 On the 4th we had a little bean bag comp going...Parker wanted to get in on the action, she loved this game!

 This is Parker's new favorite toy thanks to Grandma Sue, her stroller.  She pushes it around the entire house!
 Berry time is going off in Oregon right now...and Parker is loving it!  We have strawberries growing in the back yard, Parker knows where they are and she has become slightly addicted.

Grandma Sue helping pick some strawberries.
 Notice the bowl is empty.  Because once one would hit the bowl, Parker eats it immediately.
Umm ya...she also loves drinking water.

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