Friday, July 15, 2011

Oregon Country Fair

In a town 20 minutes outside of Eugene there is a festival held every year called the Oregon Country Fair.  It is a blast!!  Tons of different stages with music, spoken word, puppet acts for kiddos, food vendors, merchandise for sale, etc.  It's a three day weekend o' fun!  I did not go last year since Parker was 1 month old, so my sister went in my place.  This year, my mom was in town along with my I left Parker with Grandma for a couple days of bonding time, took Dave and we camped out at the fair.  It was a great weekend to say the least!

Our friend Bryan and Aaron checking out the butterfly wings Ali and I bought to wear around.
 Need I say anything?  This picture cracks me up!!  Parker and my mom came out for the day on Friday then went back home.  Good times!
 Up top at one of our friend's pizza gets busy during the day!
 Aaron woks on the "Sign Crew" with our friends Bill, Niall, Darrell and Bryan
 Mom checking out the Drum Tower
 Mom, Dave and Parker cooling off in the "mister"
 Family photo!

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