Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Tree Hunt is On!

Aaron and I decided to compromise on how we will get our Christmas trees each year.  Since I enjoying going to a local tree farm where they have a horse drawn hay rides, tons of animals, hot drinks etc...versus Aaron who likes to go out to the woods and hunt for a tree.  Last year we did it my way, so this year we went out with some friends of ours to the forest! 

On the drive up we stopped to pick up our tree permit and there he was...Smokey the Bear!  The girls were stoked and each got bags full of goodies for the car ride.
Cameron and Parker LOVED the snow!
And when I say "loved" I mean it...Parker would walk about 4 feet, stop and eat a handful...
Our friends Matt & Amy brought a picnic lunch with for was fantastic to have some hot soup, bread, hot coco, etc after finding our trees!  We built a little fire too and just hung out for a while to enjoy the snow.
On the drive back down we found this great little waterfall...
The drive home...everyone was clearly tuckered out!
The final product...

Monday, December 3, 2012

Turkey Day!

This year's Thanksgiving was our biggest yet!  17 adults, one 10 year old, four 2 year old girls and one 5 month old!  It was fantastic and we had the most food we've ever had.  

This is just a little sampling of the buffet line...our counters were full of amazing dishes.
 To fit everyone, we had three tables this year.
 Plus a legit kids table!
 After dinner there was a "Lady and the Tramp" viewing for the kiddos...Aaron got a fire going in the back yard since it was so nice outside.  So the majority of folks hit up the fire, played music and enjoyed the warm-non-raining weather!  I failed to capture a picture of it though, so you'll just have to trust me.
 Oh the desserts...
 Annie and I made a quick trip out to Target so I could take advantage of a Black Friday TV deal...needless to say, it was a success and we were in and out in 15 minutes with a TV loaded up!
 The line went all around the front, side and back of the store...then started wrapping back around again!  This is the very back of the line/the store.
 All the festivities had everyone quite tuckered out!
 Mike and Aaron setting up the new TV...
...and Parker enjoying it :-)

Sunday, November 25, 2012


I finally have a moment to sit down and update this!  So at the beginning of the month I went on a quick trip to Austin, TX to see my sister Jaime.  Basically, we ate, danced and rocked our way through Austin.  The first night there we went out to the Salt Lick, which is this amazing BBQ joint.  We came in starving and went out stuffed!
It. Was. Amazing.  Talk about getting the meat sweats!
We took Dakota for walks and enjoyed the 80+ degree weather...
We also had VIP passes to the Fun, Fun, Fun Music Festival.  Which means we got to cruise around back stage and didn't have to deal with any of the crowds!  This is De La Sol playing a set...
And of course I had to get a picture taken with Willie outside Jaime's hotel...
Lastly we managed to swindle our way into a taping of Austin City Limits.  Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros were was awesome!!  Pretty sure we will be on TV when it airs in February.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Happy Halloween!!  This year instead of carving pumkins, Parker decided she wanted to paint them.  Which was a-ok with me!
 Then came time to hit the town!  Once again, we just went to a few of our friend's houses.  
 But this year we told Parker to pick a piece of candy she wanted to try...she chose a Reese's Peanutbutter Cup.  Good call!  I think the progression of pictures tells you how she liked it.
 And once again, our family Halloween photo!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Mushrooms and Apples

Well it's Aaron's favorite time of the year...mushroom picking and canning!  We decided to go out for a real quick hunt for some Chantrelle shrooms and ended up finding a bunch!  Never even left sight of the car, which has never happened, so Aaron was stoked.  Parker had a blast!!  She loved being out in the woods and looking for mushrooms.  You might be asking yourself why we would do this...for one, it gets us out hiking around in the woods but also because these bad boys sell for $28 a pound!  So finding them yourself saves $$$.
Our neighbors gave us a ton of apples off their tree, so it was time to make applesauce!  It's amazing how deliciouis it is when you make your own and not adding one thing to it.  

We ended up with about 33 jars.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

The weather held out this weekend so off to the pumpkin patch we went!  Parker and I get stoked for this every year, Aaron informed me he just comes along to humor us.  Though this year we scored some great local, grass fed beef so he was happy about that!  

After a hay-ride out to the pumpkin patch, we were off to find our pumpkins!
Parker informed us she wanted a "little little pumpkin"...easy enough.
 Then it was off to see all the animals!
She fell in love with the resident dog, Bruno.  He was so sweet!
Parker also got to experience her very first pony ride!!  She was super stoked!  So was I.
Our attempt at a family group shot.