Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Tree Hunt is On!

Aaron and I decided to compromise on how we will get our Christmas trees each year.  Since I enjoying going to a local tree farm where they have a horse drawn hay rides, tons of animals, hot drinks etc...versus Aaron who likes to go out to the woods and hunt for a tree.  Last year we did it my way, so this year we went out with some friends of ours to the forest! 

On the drive up we stopped to pick up our tree permit and there he was...Smokey the Bear!  The girls were stoked and each got bags full of goodies for the car ride.
Cameron and Parker LOVED the snow!
And when I say "loved" I mean it...Parker would walk about 4 feet, stop and eat a handful...
Our friends Matt & Amy brought a picnic lunch with for was fantastic to have some hot soup, bread, hot coco, etc after finding our trees!  We built a little fire too and just hung out for a while to enjoy the snow.
On the drive back down we found this great little waterfall...
The drive home...everyone was clearly tuckered out!
The final product...

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