Monday, December 3, 2012

Turkey Day!

This year's Thanksgiving was our biggest yet!  17 adults, one 10 year old, four 2 year old girls and one 5 month old!  It was fantastic and we had the most food we've ever had.  

This is just a little sampling of the buffet line...our counters were full of amazing dishes.
 To fit everyone, we had three tables this year.
 Plus a legit kids table!
 After dinner there was a "Lady and the Tramp" viewing for the kiddos...Aaron got a fire going in the back yard since it was so nice outside.  So the majority of folks hit up the fire, played music and enjoyed the warm-non-raining weather!  I failed to capture a picture of it though, so you'll just have to trust me.
 Oh the desserts...
 Annie and I made a quick trip out to Target so I could take advantage of a Black Friday TV deal...needless to say, it was a success and we were in and out in 15 minutes with a TV loaded up!
 The line went all around the front, side and back of the store...then started wrapping back around again!  This is the very back of the line/the store.
 All the festivities had everyone quite tuckered out!
 Mike and Aaron setting up the new TV...
...and Parker enjoying it :-)

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