Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Vegas, Arizona and the Super Bowl!

Last weekend I had to go to Las Vegas for work, so Aaron came with me but first we dropped Parker off in Arizona at Grandma Sue and Grandpa Rick's new place.  It was mine and Aaron's first trip sans child....we were a little sad to leave her but she had a blast getting spoiled for four days straight!  After my work trip, I flew back to AZ and spent a couple days relaxing.   
 Parker loved putting stickers on Great Grandpa's hands!
 And she LOVED going on golf cart rides!
 Heading to the pool!
 Sounds like she slept like a champ at Grandma and Grandpa's!

All in all Arizona was a great trip, especially for Parker.  Vegas was also a great time!  Jaime & Dre and Dave also flew there to meet Aaron and I.  We played everything...craps, blackjack, poker, roulette and slots.  To our total surprise, we walked away with nothing.  But alas, it was a great trip!
 Checking out my favorite hotel in Vegas, the Golden Nugget.
 Breakfast in Paris.

Lastly, there was the Super Bowl!  We had friends over to our place, made a bunch of food and had a good afternoon and evening.
 Niall and Adam taking a break from the football action...
 Oh yes...Bill gave Parker a kitchen!  She LOVES it!!
 Aaron, master of the grill...

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