Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Month of July in a Nut Shell!

I have no idea where the time has gone...and that I haven't posted on here in a month!  So here goes our month of July in a nut shell!

My mom came out and stayed a week over the 4th.  She had a ton of one-on-one Parker time and vice-versa.  
Nana Sue bought a new pool, which Parker loves!
 We spent a day at Cottage Grove Lake.  Aaron brought the boat out, it was a great relaxing day!  
Complete with a nap for Parker and Grandma...

The Haircut
Aaron finally said he had enough and had our friend Bryan come over and shave his hair.  It looks great!  Not sure what Parker thought was going on though...

The First Outting on the Boat!
Well, we bought a drift boat.  Needless to say Aaron is in heaven.  He has been out on it a few times, Parker and I have been out once.  There will be more trips to come once Parker realizes that we can't go swimming all the time or just get off the boat.  But she did have a blast looking for fish!

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