Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Oregon Country Fair

It was that time of the year again!  This year was different for us as Parker was with us the entire weekend.  She had a blast and so did we!  We saw so many new parts of the fair we normally wouldn't because she was with.  It was a great experience for all of us!  Before the real fun could begin there was some last minute work to be done, which Parker loved to help with!
 A new addition to camp was the parachute!  It created a great camp vibe.
At night we decked out Parker's stoller, walked around looking at all the lights and listened to some good music.  Parker loved it!!
There are entire loops of the fair dedicated to kids.  Needless to say we spend a lot of time there.  This was a musical wall that Parker and Aaron really enjoyed.
The last day of the fair Parker got her face painted as a kitty, per her request!  
The closing music act was amazing!  We were all loving it, dancing around, looking at all the fun larger-than-life puppets...
 But then the large sun puppet got a little too close for Parker's comfort...
...and she clung to Aaron and needed her pacie asap!  But over all, it was  great year at the OCF!

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