Thursday, May 23, 2013

Auntie JJ Comes to Town

My sister flew into town for a long weekend a couple weeks ago.  Parker was STOKED so say the least.  Asher doesn't quite understand yet...he'll get it soon.

First things first.  Sweet Cheeks.  Standard.  
 After a day drinking vino...we came home for a Thai food feast!  Parker and her good friend Alethea drew with chalk and climbed the tree...some favorite activities in our backyard.
 Then we realized how old we are getting...why?  Because a day at the winery results in this.
 Sleeping!  Passed out!  Down for the count!  What time was it you ask?  Oh ya, 7:30ish...maybe 8pm if your generous!   
 After a long/good nights sleep we showed Jaime our standard Saturday morning activity at the library, "Family Music Time". 
She quickly caught on to Asher's favorite position, the football hold.
 Alas Auntie JJ had to fly home, which meant things got quite to cheer Parker up we had a little Tinker Bell watching session.  Check out that hair!


  1. Looks like this was so fun! Day drinking is dangerous at our age :)

  2. HA HA!!! I love my "sleeping" on the couch pic! Such great times!
