Saturday, May 11, 2013


How has a month flown by since the last time I was on here?!  Let's play a little catch up...

First off Asher is now 12 weeks old.  He is full of smiles, coos, screeches and laughs!  Parker is fairly obsessed with him, even more so now that she can make him smile.  

At the end of April Aaron ran in the Eugene Marathon.  He did the half again for the 5th time.  I love the marathon- it is such a fun event!  A portion of the course is right in our backyard so it's really easy to see everyone at mile 3 and 6 when they come around the loop.  Our good friends Annie and Mike (along with many other friends) ran it as well.

Here's Mike and Aaron heading out the door.  This is what I call the "before" picture.

 Here is Aaron at mile 3...
...and here is Annie (in neon green) right behind him running the full marathon!
Still looking happy and strong at mile 6!
And let's not forget the ever-serious Mikey!
The "after" photo wasn't too different than the "before".  I thought there would be some blood, sweat, and tears possibly.  All smiles!

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