Thursday, November 14, 2013

Camping in November

When Aaron asked me if I wanted to go camping in November (he brought this up in Sept) I thought he was crazy.  Then he suggested we rent a yurt at Honeyman State Park.  Now that I'm down for!  

Parker was STOKED to say the least!  And so was I...what a perfect way to camp during the colder months.  The yurt had electricity and a little heater.  It was perfect!
 This campground is on the coast with 2.5 miles of sand dunes separating you from the ocean.  There are also a couple of little lakes.  It was beautiful!
 Parker wanted to become a mermaid...
 ...and then she would not join us in a family picture.  Asher is staring down at her.
 After hiking around the dunes we went back to the yurt so Asher could nap. Aaron decided to take Parker out fishing.  They both had a blast even though only one little fish was caught!
 Someone is supposed to be napping...
 Hanging out roasting marshmallows...
 We will definitely be back!


  1. That actually makes me want to go camping -- fun!!

  2. Christa I remember walking the yurts camping at Beverly and drooling! Glad you guys had the experience, looks like a beautiful time :) <3 Amy
